2011年4月16日 星期六

翻譯 『Storage I/O Control Technical Overview and Considerations for Deployment』 第一段

Storage I/O Control (SIOC) 讓VM可以達到performance isolation,它讓VM中著名的noisy neighbor的問題大大降低。更棒的是…他可以暫時提高"critical"的VM的IO resource allocation。

SIOC improves upon the previous host-level I/O scheduler by detecting and responding to congestion occurring at the array
經過host-level IO scheduler的最佳化後,SIOC緊接著派上用場(它會偵測並回應storage的congestion的情形)

With SIOC, vSphere administrators can mitigate the performance loss of critical workloads due to high congestion and storage latency during peak load periods

Benefits of leveraging SIOC:
• Provides performance protection by enforcing proportional fairness of access to shared storage
• Detects and manages bottlenecks at the array 
• Maximizes your storage investments by enabling higher levels of virtual-machine consolidation across your shared datastores
The purpose of this paper is to explain the basic mechanics of how SIOC, a new feature in vSphere 4.1, works and to discuss 
considerations for deploying it in your VMware virtualized environments

1.達成"比例上的公平"→ 越多io的VM給越多io resource (?)
2.偵測,管理 array上的bottlenecks
3.善用virtual storage